

Quills/spines (Uncommon)

Category: Extra Part

Long, thin quills or spines that grow out of Mignyan meat. Similarly to teeth, toothlike quills can be any color, and count as teeth towards a Mignyan's design being legal.

Can also manifest as short, fleshy protrusions; this variation does not count as teeth towards a Mignyan's legality.



Nerves (Uncommon)

Category: Extra Part

Massively enlarged nerve cells growing out of a Mignyan's meat. Consist of a visible "core," with long, thin strands of nerve tissue extending outwards and oftentimes tangling around the meat.

Nerves, as well as nerve "cores," can be any shape or color. At least one "core" must be visible, with nerve tissue underneath. Cores cannot be eyes, or dangle off of the nerves themselves.

Art by amalgambite


Sockets/pouch (Uncommon)

Category: Extra Part

Shallow hollows in a Mignyan's meat, useful for carrying a variety of things.


Mineral deposits

Mineral deposits (Uncommon)

Category: Extra Part

Hard, solid structures growing out from inside a Mignyan's meat. Oftentimes uncomfortable for the Mignyan.

Mineral deposits aren't actual Earth minerals. They're closer to an oyster forming a pearl around an irritant... or a kidney stone.



Shell (Common)

Category: Extra Part

Protective or decorative shells growing from a Mignyan's meat. Can mimic those of animals; such as bugs, crustaceans, or molluscs... or something even wilder, like egg shells.

Art by prismbattery


Bioluminescence (Rare)

Category: Extra Part

Mignyan meat that glows!

Bioluminescence can be turned on and off at will, can be any color, and can affect either the entirety of the Mignyan's meat or only certain parts.
Mignyans with translucent meat [R] have the option of their bioluminescence coming from inside their meat.

Art by prismbattery

Meat on face

Meat on face (Rare)

Category: Extra Part

Mignyan meat that has spread to cover the host's head, including the tongue, either in part or fully. Does not include the body.

Meat on face can be used to place vestigial limbs in a Mignyan's mouth. Meat tongues count as meat on face, regardless of where they are placed on the body (i.e. tail mouths, stomach mouths- must be present on the host).

When used with Meat on body [UC], Mignyan meat cannot cover 100% of the host's body. Meat on face cannot turn a host's mouth into meat, or mimic hair.

Toggle Spoiler

A diagram showing acceptable and unacceptable uses of the meat on face trait, specifically when placed on the scalp.

Diagram by sus

Art by amalgambite

Multiple tails/crabs

Multiple tails/crabs (Rare)

Category: Extra Part

When multiple Mignyan crabs infect the same host, some... strange things can occur.

Allows your Mignyan to have multiple (up to 9) crabs within the same host. Optionally, can cause the undisguised form to manifest multiple tails or sets of ears! A Mignyan cannot have more tails/ears than there are crabs present in one host.

Art by prismbattery


Wings (Rare)

Category: Extra Part

Allows for a host's wings to be taken over by Mignyan meat. Wings can be any size or shape, but must be attached to the host's body.

When submitting a disguised form for a Mignyan that has this trait, the disguised form must have visible wings.


Organ growth

Organ growth (Rare)

Category: Extra Part

Half-formed organs growing out of Mignyan meat in an attempt to mimic local wildlife. Have limited function, but never seem to come out quite right...

Organ growth cannot manifest as sexual organs or parts of the excretory tract (I.E. urinary bladder, rectum).

Art by amalgambite

Meat halo

Meat halo (Super Rare)

Category: Exclusive

Halos or other floating body parts made of Mignyan meat.

Art by H8N8XD

Meat mouth

Meat mouth (Super Rare)

Category: Exclusive

Mignyan meat that has formed a mouth, or spread to infect a host's mouth. Can have functional tongues.

Art by H8N8XD

Split tail

Split tail (Super Rare)

Category: Exclusive

A pair of twin crabs infecting the same host to cause a forked, nekomata-esque tail.

Art by H8N8XD

Objects in meat (Super Rare)

Category: Exclusive

Any sort of objects permanently embedded in a Mignyan's meat. Does not include normal piercings.

Art by H8N8XD

Meat hair

Meat hair (Super Rare)

Category: Exclusive

Mignyan meat that has spread to and replaced a host's hair.

Art by H8N8XD

Plant meat

Plant meat (Super Rare)

Category: Exclusive

Mignyan meat that mimics the appearance and function of a plant, or has plant life growing off of it.

Art by H8N8XD

Fullbody meat

Fullbody meat (Super Rare)

Category: Exclusive

Mignyan meat that has spread to cover a host's entire body, leaving no part of the original host visible.

Art by H8N8XD

Slot machine meat

Slot machine meat (Super Rare)

Category: Exclusive

Mignyan meat with eyes capable of "rolling" like a slot machine.

Art by H8N8XD

Burning meat

Burning meat (Super Rare)

Category: Exclusive

Mignyan meat that is... constantly on fire. Ow.

Art by H8N8XD

Cursed meat

Cursed meat (Super Rare)

Category: Exclusive

Mignyan meat with a horrible curse put upon it! Manifests as meat with burning eyes, and nails keeping the curse at bay...

Art by H8N8XD

60 results found.